Server Infrastructure

Server Infrastructure

vMNetworkSolutions carries out critical server management and also administers infrastructure components for several small and large businesses for whom IT support is unavoidable. We have the required expertise and resources to deliver time-tested services that could enable consistent and predictable results. Our strong R&D helps us in continuing to improve the assets and tools to help in delivering managed services quite efficiently.

Email, CRM system, Intranet or the billing system – A business lives, or dies, on its ability to access these applications in a secure, stable and timely manner. This is where the correct Server Infrastructure is vital not only for smooth operations presently, but also in the future.

vMNetworkSolutions can design, implement and support your server Infrastructure – From a single standalone server, in a remote office or small business, to a fully virtualized, completely fault tolerant environment consisting of many physical and virtual servers.

vMNetworkSolutions can also migrate your Physical Server estate to a Virtual Server estate.

Benefits of Virtualization

  • Simpler High Availability management.
  • Lower High Availability cost.
  • Greater utilization of physical servers.
  • Reduced cooling, power and rack space requirements.
  • Faster, more flexible, server deployment.